
Request instructions

NOTE. If you use HAMK Finna to place your reservation, you also accept that the pick-up is from an open shelf. Your hold indetifier will be visible on the reservation slip placed inside the book. You may change your hold identifier on your Finna-profile.

If you do not want to use the open shelf, use library service desk to place your order. Mention that you want to pick up your reservation at the service desk instead of the open shelf.

Hos to make a reservation

  1. First log in HAMK Finna either with your library card or by using Haka Login if you have added your HAMK library card to your HAMK username.
  2. After you have logged in, type the title you want to request in the search box, click enter and go to the title's record page by clicking the right title from the search results list.
  3. From the record page you can check if there are any items available in any of the HAMK campus libraries. Start making a request by clicking Place a Request and accept pick-up from open shelf -button in the upper right-hand corner of the holdings (availability) information.
  4. Fill in the information in the request form. Your request is automatically valid for 7 months. Choose the correct pick-up location if you have not set a preferred pick-up location in your account's profile. If you have set your preferred pick-up location in your profile, it will appear automatically in the request form.
  5. Click button Submit Request. The system informs you whether you request was successful or not. You can check your request situation under the Requests tab in your account.