
Record Citations

APA Citation

Corradini, R. D., Corradini, R., Diesenberger, M., Reimitz, H., Helmut Reimitz, & Max Diesenberger. (2002). The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacts. Brill Academic Publishers.

Chicago Style Citation

Corradini, Richard; Diesenberger, Richard Corradini, Max Diesenberger, Helmut Reimitz, Helmut Reimitz, and Max Diesenberger. The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacts. Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.

MLA Citation

Corradini, Richard; Diesenberger, et al. The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacts. Brill Academic Publishers, 2002.

Harvard Style Citation

Corradini, R. D., Corradini, R., Diesenberger, M., Reimitz, H., Helmut Reimitz & Max Diesenberger. 2002. The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacts. Brill Academic Publishers.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.