
Record Citations

APA Citation

Gelernter, D. (1993). Mirror Worlds: Or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean. Oxford University Press, Incorporated.

Chicago Style Citation

Gelernter, David. Mirror Worlds: Or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1993.

MLA Citation

Gelernter, David. Mirror Worlds: Or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1993.

Harvard Style Citation

Gelernter, D. 1993. Mirror Worlds: Or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean. Oxford University Press, Incorporated.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.