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Erol Gelenbe, Gelenbe, E., Gelenbe, E., & Sevcik, K. C. (2006). Computer System Performance Modeling In Perspective: A Tribute To The Work Of Prof Kenneth C Sevcik. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Erol Gelenbe, E. Gelenbe, Erol Gelenbe, ja Kenneth C. Sevcik. Computer System Performance Modeling In Perspective: A Tribute To The Work Of Prof Kenneth C Sevcik. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.


Erol Gelenbe, et al. Computer System Performance Modeling In Perspective: A Tribute To The Work Of Prof Kenneth C Sevcik. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Erol Gelenbe, Gelenbe, E., Gelenbe, E. & Sevcik, K. C. 2006. Computer System Performance Modeling In Perspective: A Tribute To The Work Of Prof Kenneth C Sevcik. World Scientific Publishing Company.

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