
Record Citations

APA Citation

Lim, P. C. (2004). In Pursuit of Purity, Unity, and Liberty: Richard Baxter's Puritan Ecclesiology in Its Seventeenth-century Context. Brill Academic Publishers.

Chicago Style Citation

Lim, Paul Chang-Ha. In Pursuit of Purity, Unity, and Liberty: Richard Baxter's Puritan Ecclesiology in Its Seventeenth-century Context. Brill Academic Publishers, 2004.

MLA Citation

Lim, Paul Chang-Ha. In Pursuit of Purity, Unity, and Liberty: Richard Baxter's Puritan Ecclesiology in Its Seventeenth-century Context. Brill Academic Publishers, 2004.

Harvard Style Citation

Lim, P. C. 2004. In Pursuit of Purity, Unity, and Liberty: Richard Baxter's Puritan Ecclesiology in Its Seventeenth-century Context. Brill Academic Publishers.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.