
Record Citations

APA Citation

Shin, D. C. D., Dalton, R. J., Shin, D. C., Sin, T., & Russell J. Dalton. (2007). Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim: Congruence Theory and Political Culture. Oxford University Press.

Chicago Style Citation

Shin, Doh Chull; Dalton, Russell J. Dalton, Doh Chull Shin, To-chol Sin, and Russell J. Dalton. Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim: Congruence Theory and Political Culture. Oxford University Press, 2007.

MLA Citation

Shin, Doh Chull; Dalton, et al. Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim: Congruence Theory and Political Culture. Oxford University Press, 2007.

Harvard Style Citation

Shin, D. C. D., Dalton, R. J., Shin, D. C., Sin, T. & Russell J. Dalton. 2007. Citizens, Democracy, and Markets Around the Pacific Rim: Congruence Theory and Political Culture. Oxford University Press.

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