
Record Citations

APA Citation

Liu, Z. J., He, J., Liu, Z., & Jifeng He. (2006). Mathematical Frameworks For Component Software: Models For Analysis And Synthesis. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Chicago Style Citation

Liu, Zhiming; Jifeng, Jifeng He, Zhiming Liu, and Jifeng He. Mathematical Frameworks For Component Software: Models For Analysis And Synthesis. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.

MLA Citation

Liu, Zhiming; Jifeng, et al. Mathematical Frameworks For Component Software: Models For Analysis And Synthesis. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006.

Harvard Style Citation

Liu, Z. J., He, J., Liu, Z. & Jifeng He. 2006. Mathematical Frameworks For Component Software: Models For Analysis And Synthesis. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.