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Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. (1975). Materials and Man's Needs: Materials Science and Engineering: Supplementary Report of the Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. National Academies Press.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. Materials and Man's Needs: Materials Science and Engineering: Supplementary Report of the Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. National Academies Press, 1975.


Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. Materials and Man's Needs: Materials Science and Engineering: Supplementary Report of the Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. National Academies Press, 1975.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. 1975. Materials and Man's Needs: Materials Science and Engineering: Supplementary Report of the Committee on the Survey of Materials Science and Engineering. National Academies Press.

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