
Verkostomaisen toiminnan ja verkostobrändin nykytila kauppakeskus Goodmanin toimijoiden näkökulmasta

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Verkostomaisen toiminnan ja verkostobrändin nykytila kauppakeskus Goodmanin toimijoiden näkökulmasta

The subject of this thesis is a network-type operation between the shopping center operators. The global change of business life is one of the affecting factors in the background of this thesis. Technological developments, increased competition and globalization have caused shift from independent work to network economy, where cooperation and networks are the central issues. The ultimate idea of networks is that together can you can achieve more than you could if you were alone. Shopping centers offer an excellent opportunity for such cooperation.

This thesis is limited to focus on studying the shopping center’s internal network-type operations. This thesis was commissioned by Goodman, the shopping center which was opened in Hämeenlinna in October, 2014. The main research question of this thesis is what kind of cooperation there is between the shopping center’s operators. As sub questions, the study also examines the attitudes of the companies towards the network brand and how the cooperation network could be developed.

The theoretical framework consists of literature related to networks, shopping centers and brands. The network theory is discussed widely in order to achieve a more holistic picture. The study was conducted using qualitative research method and the empirical data was collected through interviews. There were six interviewees, representing the management of Goodman, the entrepreneur associations, a single chain store and the small-scale entrepreneurs. The interviews were carried out in the autumn of 2015 in the form of theme interviews. The analysis of the transcripts of the interviews was achieved through content analysis.

The main results of the thesis were that the shopping center operators had different opinions on network operations and network brand. As a conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the fact that the outcome may be affected by relatively short operating time of the shopping center. The development of network-based activities has not been the main priority during the first operating year.

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