
Uusasiakashankinnan kehittäminen markkinointisuunnitelman avulla : Case: Tampereen MS-Yhtiöt Oy

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Uusasiakashankinnan kehittäminen markkinointisuunnitelman avulla : Case: Tampereen MS-Yhtiöt Oy

Marketing is a company’s way of increasing its visibility, standing out from competitors and increasing profitability. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a company’s acquisition of new customers through making the marketing plan. This thesis focused only on the company’s activities in the B2B market area and the acquisition of new customers. Thesis was commissioned by Tampereen MS-Yhtiöt Ltd., which is a small company working in the metal industry as a contract manufacturer for mechanical parts. Increased competition in the metal industry has created a demand for companies to enhance their marketing. Competition for new customers is intense in the B2B market, because customers are not available in the same way as in the consumer market. The aim was to create a marketing plan for the acquisition of new customer by researching the purchasing processes of the company’s current customers and their values regarding purchases. B2B marketing and marketing planning related literature was used as the theoretical frame for this thesis. The focus was on the purchasing processes and the company’s customer relationships. Also an interview of the company’s CEO was used as a source of information. The empirical study was conducted as a quantitative inquiry with the help of an electronic questionnaire. The population of the study consisted of the current customers in customer register of Tampereen MS-Yhtiöt Ltd. The questionnaire was completed by 50 participants, which gave the questionnaire a response rate of 37.31 per cent. Based on the study it was concluded that the practices in the buying processes and the factors influencing them have remained the same for quite a long time. However, the industry will be facing changes due to young people entering the field and the development of marketing tools.

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