
Kulttuurinen voimaantuminen ikääntymisen tukena

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Kulttuurinen voimaantuminen ikääntymisen tukena

The aim of this thesis was to examine the role of art and culture-based methods in the day rehabilitation of elderly people. According to research, the functioning capacity of the elderly increases and they feel better, when life is meaningful. By using art and culture-based methods, the everyday life of the elderly is more meaningful. When combined to methods of rehabilitative work, the cultural methods activate different areas of elderly people’s functioning capacity. A pilot project, Kulttuurikuntouttajat (“cultural rehabilitators”), was implemented in Janakkala during 2015. The project was based on the model created in the Kulttuurikuntouttajat project in Sastamala. The pilot project which promoted the wellbeing of the elderly, was implemented in cooperation with the cultural services and preventive care of the elderly in the municipality of Janakkala and with local artists. The target group was a group of elderly attending preventive day rehabilitation activities. The aim of the pilot project was to make the activities a permanent part of the day rehabilitation and collaborate with local cultural sector professionals. The theoretical background defines old age, changes caused by ageing as well as art and culture-based methods. Concepts related to rehabilitative work, an elderly person’s world of experience and socio-cultural reality were also discussed. The data for this qualitative study were collected using observation. A feedback survey and comments received from the target group supported the research methods. The data were analyzed using deductive content analysis. The main result of the thesis indicate the elderly people’s interest in and enthusiasm for artistic and cultural activity sessions, which they found interesting and wished to have more of. The conclusion is that the activity sessions brought joy and pleasure to the elderly participants and the cultural experience gave them more to think about in their daily life. In order to make the everyday life of the elderly more meaningful, those working with the elderly should explore how the elderly experience the world around them and how the art and culture-based methods and the elderly people’s world of experience interact.

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