
Lastenneuvolan ja päiväkodin työntekijöiden yhteistyön kehittäminen kouluvalmiuksien arvioinnissa

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Lastenneuvolan ja päiväkodin työntekijöiden yhteistyön kehittäminen kouluvalmiuksien arvioinnissa

When evaluating children’s preparedness for school, cooperation between child welfare clinic and nursery school employees is very important. Only one point of view is not enough to evaluate a child’s need for support. That is why more perspective is needed. In order that child can have the support what is needed cooperation must be developed. The aim of the thesis was to clarify, how much public health nurses and nursery school teachers cooperate with each other. The aim of the thesis was also to find out, what kind of teamwork there is in Hämeenlinna but also how it can be developed. The commissioner of this Bachelor’s thesis was city of Hämeenlinna.

Research was made by using Webropol. Survey was sent to 64 people. The target group consisted of public health nurses in child welfare clinics and teachers, who teach 5 and 6 year-old-children in nursery schools. The percentage of responses was 36 %. The number of answers was almost fifty-fifty between those two professions.

The results show that most respondents do teamwork with the other profession monthly. Most of the teamwork was done by using different paper forms. Many respondents brought up the importance of teamwork and the importance of its development. It’s also important to know, what other professions do.

Based on the results, it can be said that there is no coherent standard to accomplish teamwork between child welfare clinic and nursery school in Hämeenlinna. The amount of cooperation in current situation varies much in different areas in Hämeenlinna. More meetings are required. Also paper forms could be developed in the future. It is also very important to mediate which tasks belong to child welfare clinic and which to nursery school.

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