
Liikeilmaisu hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä

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Liikeilmaisu hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä

The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of movement expression on the well-being of the rehabilitees. The study was carried out at Kunnonpaikka which is located in Siilinjärvi. Kunnonpaikka is a rehabilitation centre and spa hotel that provides a variety of services. Kunnonpaikka provides services for children, youngsters, adults, elderly people and rehabilitation clients.

In the practice-based part of the thesis, a variety of movement expression exercises were carried out and the aim was to examine their effect on the well-being of the rehabilitee. The aim was to experiment and produce a new kind of activities at Kunnonpaikka. Literature relating to movement expression is scarce, so theoretical background drew on a variety of articles and internet sources. The planning of the practical exercises was based on similar exercises which the author had experimented during a movement expression course during his studies.

The research method used in the thesis was perception and individual interviews which were carried out after the practical exercises. In the rehabilitee group there were nine rehabilitees, eight of which gave their permission to the research. A total of six rehabilitees were interviewed as well as a few instructor. The results showed that the rehabilitee group found movement expression exercises useful. Many told that the exercises were thought provoking, mind refreshing and a nice change in their everyday life.

It can be concluded that movement expression exercises support the well-being of the rehabilitees. The thesis also provides some ideas for new activities with the rehabilitation clients.

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