
Hyvinvointialan yrittäjien mielipiteet lasten ja nuorten luontolähtöisten palvelujen kehittämiseksi Forssan seudulla

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Hyvinvointialan yrittäjien mielipiteet lasten ja nuorten luontolähtöisten palvelujen kehittämiseksi Forssan seudulla

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate nature-based activity entrepreneurs’ views of nature-based activities and their development in the Forssa region. The aim was to get an overall picture of the entrepreneurs and find information that could benefit developing Forssa entrepreneurs’ nature-based activities whose target groups are children and adolescents. This thesis was commissioned by the Forssa region’s Green Care-Cluster project and the selection of the topic was based on the necessity to chart the region’s nature-based activity entrepreneurs and investigate among other things the needs to development. The purpose of the Forssa region’s biennial Green Care-Cluster project is to establish a Green Care- cluster network of actors and start its work.

The theoretical background of the thesis is mainly based on the Green Care concept and methods, the development of relations to nature, Green Care entrepreneurship in Finland and other countries, as well as the Forssa region’s Green Care- actors. The survey was carried out by a Webropol-survey that was conducted in February and March 2016. The Web survey was sent as an attachment in electronic mail. The target group was Forssa entrepreneurs who provide nature-based services. The survey yielded a total of 15 answers and the response rate was 50 per cent.

According to the results, the nature-based services that the companies aim to the children and adolescents most commonly involved services relating to free time, hobbies and physical rehabilitation, but in addition well-being, teaching and education, and travel were included. The Green Care methods most commonly used by the companies were animal assistance and nature assistance. Based on the answers to the open-ended questions entrepreneurs have many ideas about new service concepts and many development proposals came up and those included for example the development of cooperation. The results show that there were clear needs for the cluster that the Forssa region’s cluster project has started. In addition many respondents were interested in the Internet websites and the service tray that are created through the project. Based on the results, it is suggested that the Green Care- cluster network of actors active working should continue after the Forssa region’s Green Care-cluster project is complete.

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