
Mobiilipelin toteuttaminen Unity-kehitysympäristössä : Android-käyttöjärjestelmälle

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Mobiilipelin toteuttaminen Unity-kehitysympäristössä : Android-käyttöjärjestelmälle

The mobile game market is on the rise and that causes more interest towards mobile game development. The goal of this thesis is to get to know how mobile game development can be done using Unity and its additional tools. The project will be executed with the help of the broad Unity Community and the vast amount of tutorials and other helpful information found online.

The goal is to create a functioning mobile game demo without having more than a basic knowledge of programming. The thesis will point out what exactly is needed in creating and publishing a mobile game using Unity, targeting especially Android. The thesis will reveal how much knowledge the writer gets while developing a game without previous knowledge of the subject. The thesis will also take a look at a few alternative game development environments and review the history of mobile gaming.

As a result of this research we will notice how much work mobile game development requires and how the programming knowledge of the writer improves.

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