
Ohjewiki työntekijöiden käyttöön

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Ohjewiki työntekijöiden käyttöön

The client of this thesis was Opiferum Ay. The goal of the thesis was to create collection of written instructions for Opiferum. Instructions were supposed to handle practices and modes of operation that Opiferum follows. In addition to this the plan was to save these created instructions in a wiki that was created during this thesis project.

In the theoretical part of the thesis a closer review was taken on the web technologies that especially the wiki uses. The goal of this review was to understand the role of these technologies better. In the practical part of the thesis a closer review was taken on the installation of the wiki and on the practices that are used in wiki's text formatting and other relevant features while creating content. In addition to this other often encountered content creation features and practices were included in the thesis. The actual content of the produced written instructions is not introduced in this thesis because they contain sensitive information. The Internet was used as the main source of information to both support and expand upon the already existing knowledge of web-programming and wiki.

The result of the work was usable wiki and written instructions. However the instructions didn't quite reach the desired level of quality. Because of this shortcoming in quality it is recommended to continue working on the instructions even after this thesis is finished so that the desired level of quality can be reached.

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