
Työaika-autonomia Someron terveyskeskuksen vuodeosastoilla hoitohenkilökunnan kokemana

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Työaika-autonomia Someron terveyskeskuksen vuodeosastoilla hoitohenkilökunnan kokemana

Self-scheduling gives employees a say in workflow planning, so that they take part in the scheduling of their own shifts. Limitations are placed on workflow planning by collective agreements, working time ergonomics and legal requirements.

Self-scheduling was launched in the wards of the Somero Health Center in the spring of 2017. The aim of this thesis was to find out the impacts of the introduction of self-scheduling experienced by nursing staff in the health center. The initial situation was surveyed in December 2016. The questionnaire was used to investigate the current workplace well-being and workrelated benefits of the staff. The same question was repeated in December 2017. Inquiries were sent to 36 members of the nursing staff, of whom thirteen answered in the initial phase and twelve in the second phase.

The results of this study suggest that staff finds it easier to reconcile work with other life when self-scheduling is in effect. Self-scheduling was also seen to have a positive impact on self-reliance and stress relief. According to the results, self-scheduling also has a positive impact on work atmosphere and management style. Due to changes in departments changes that have contributed to the work atmosphere, cohesion, or leadership style can also be the result of factors that were not surveyed during this thesis.

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