
Terveydenhoitajien tietoperusta ja tiedontarve endometrioosista

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Terveydenhoitajien tietoperusta ja tiedontarve endometrioosista

Public health nurses face challenges every day in an ever-changing society. Continuous development in care methods and customers increasing requirements produce these challenges. Public health nurses must update their knowledge amongst these changes. Their every day work is part of a continuous learning process. The purpose of this thesis was to survey the basis of knowledge and the need for more information by public health nurses of endometriosis. The aim was to increase their knowledge of endometriosis and help them to diagnose it more effectively in order to guide their clients for earlier treatment. An information brochure was developed for public health nurses to improve their knowledge of Endometriosis as a young women’s disease. The research material was gathered by an inquiry form during autumn 2009. Public health nurses from Hämeenlinna, Riihimäki, Forssa and FSHS as well as occupational nurses from TyöSyke Oy and Forssa took part in the research. The response percentage was 59. The data was analysed by using SPSS 17.0 for Windows software and an Excel spreadsheet program. According to the data acquired from the survey, the public health nurses’ weakest areas were in pathophysiology as well as in medical and surgical treatment of endometriosis. Symptoms were best recognised by the nurses. In their own opinion the foundation of knowledge of endometriosis was inadequate. On the basis of this study, it was agreed by majority of the surveyed that more information of endometriosis is needed. Further research would be able to clarify the basis of knowledge and the need for more information about endometriosis for teachers who teach health education at schools.

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