
Tarkastajien kokema vastaanotto peltoalavalvonnoilla

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Tarkastajien kokema vastaanotto peltoalavalvonnoilla

Our study aims to deal with subsidies that are based on area under cultivation and the conditions needed for subsidies. We chose this topic because we worked for Hämeen Työ- ja elinkeinokeskus (Employment and Economic centre for Häme) during two summers and the major part of our range of work consisted of the control of subsidy that is based on area under cultivation. Since 1 January 2010 Hämeen Työ- ja elinkeinokeskus has been called Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) due to the fusion of the centres. We, however, had this commission from Maaseutuvirasto (Agency for Rural Affairs).

In our study we define, what the concept subsidy that is based on area under cultivation means, why the subsidy conditions under the strict control and in addition to those we introduce some essential matters in the controlling process. We made a questionnaire to the controllers, who were responsible for the controlling of the subsidies. Its purpose was to study into the reception the controllers got on different farms and how they experienced the actual control process on the farm. As the research material we used also the study by Mavi concerning client satisfaction in those farms under the control in 2008. We compared the farmers’ experiences in the areas governed by Häme and Uudenmaa ELY centres and studied more profoundly and more exactly the conclusions we could draw from the client satisfaction study.

The goal of our thesis was to find out, when and on which type of farms the controllers experienced controlling negative and when they felt the controlling process positive. The findings indicated that the controllers often met a negative reception on the small farms with small cultivated area and if the petitioner of the subsidy was over 50 years old. It seemed to be that the reception turned into more positive, if the controller had visited the farm more than once. Our overall impression is that all farmers’ attitudes to subsidy controls are a bit more positive and favourable at present.

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