
Yhtenäiset käytänteet kroonisen haavanhoidon kirjaamisessa : Tarkistuslista hoitohenkilökunnalle

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Yhtenäiset käytänteet kroonisen haavanhoidon kirjaamisessa : Tarkistuslista hoitohenkilökunnalle

The purpose of the thesis was to design and develop an adequate and standardised guide and checklist for nurses on chronic wound documentation. The practice-based thesis was carried out in collaboration with Forssan seudun hyvinvointikuntayhtymä, i.e. the Municipal Authority of Forssa. In the functional part of the thesis, the checklist on wound documentation based on sources related to different chronic wounds, wound management and documentation, was provided. The main sources were found both in Finnish and in English.

The starting point of the checklist content was to gather detailed information that should be taken into account in chronic wound documentation, i.e. the chronic wound classification or type, the location of the wound, size, wound bed and wound color classification, secretion, surrounding skin, pain, the signs of infection and other significant factors.

Based on the feedback received, the guide was found useful and clear. In addition, the content of the checklist was edited and modified accordingly. In the future, through the checklist, the continuity of patient care can also be improved.

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