
Hoitaja, kotiapulainen ja sijaisäiti? : Työntekijöiden kokemuksia vaikeasti vammaisen nuoren hoitotyöstä ryhmäkotiasumisessa

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Hoitaja, kotiapulainen ja sijaisäiti? : Työntekijöiden kokemuksia vaikeasti vammaisen nuoren hoitotyöstä ryhmäkotiasumisessa

The goal of this thesis was to survey the matters that are considered challenging on one hand and alleviating on the other hand by the employees that work with young people with severe disabilities in a group home. The objectives of the thesis were defined by the needs of the employees of the group home that served as the research environment.

The research method used was qualitative. The research material was collected from the employees of the group home. The material consists of eight diaries that comprise ideas and opinions written by the employees.

According to the results, providing care to young people with severe disabilities is physically demanding and straining. Interaction with disabled young people and the third parties of the nursing team, such as physiotherapists and speech therapists, is considered as a challenge by the employees. The lack of external mentors was found to be a major drawback in the working community. The low appreciation for the nursing and the lack of positive feedback was considered mentally challenging. State-of-the-art equipment, a cozy work community and kind co-workers make the nursing easier. Generally, the employees regard their work significant and rewarding.

The results can be implemented in any group home when improving the quality of nursing and the motivation and job satisfaction of the employees.

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