
Virtuaalisen ryhmätyötilan toteutus Glue-alustalla : Case Design Factory

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Virtuaalisen ryhmätyötilan toteutus Glue-alustalla : Case Design Factory

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of using Glue platform as a solution for implementing a virtual collaboration space for HAMK Design Factory. The client of this thesis was Häme University of Applied Science’s HAMK Smart research unit.

The theoretical part consists of basics of virtual reality, the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork as well as the functioning of Glue platform and its technical details. Additionally, the needs and requirements of HAMK Design Factory will be surveyed in connection with Glue.

During this comparative analytic research, the theory, user testing, feedback and observations were studied and analyzed. The results based on this analysis formed a solid basis for recommendations for the possible future use of the platform in regards with Design Factory.

The research showed that implementing Glue as a virtual collaboration space for Design Factory is not only possible but also recommended. The biggest single issue with groupwork is usually the lack of available space, which is an issue that Glue counters. Also, the fact that Glue can make use of surround sound as well as head and hand movements, allows for much greater use of nonverbal communication than usual online teamwork tools. Based on these conclusions the use of Glue will be recommended for HAMK Design Factory.

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