
Agrologi (AMK) - työllistääkö hevostalous?

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Agrologi (AMK) - työllistääkö hevostalous?

HAMK University of Applied Sciences offers Degree Programme in Agriculture and Rural Industries with the possibility to study in equine option since 1994. There has been a survey in 2005 where the aim was to define the employment of the equine option graduates. My commissioner, HAMK, wanted to renew this survey.

The objective of my thesis is to survey how well the equine option graduates have been employed, what types of work they have, what is their wage level and how well the education corresponds to the demands of the working life.

The information for the thesis was collected by a questionnaire in Webropol online survey and analysis software. The enquiry was sent to all equine option graduates between years 1996 – 2011 who were possible to reach online. The questionnaire was also sent to adult graduates and drop-out students. In total the inquiry was sent to 143 persons of whom 96 answered. The response rate was 67,1 %. In the analysis I have mainly concentrated on the results of equine option graduates.

The proficiency or expertise given by the degree is the main source of in-come for 56,3 % of respondents. The employment situation of graduated respondents is relatively high; nearly 60 % are working full-time and 76,8 % of respondent a have permanent job. 56,2 % of the respondents that the education has succeeded in its task by giving sufficient competence for the needs of the working life. Horse industry has offered an income for 38,2 % of respondents and 26,3 % of respondents are not working in horse related branches.

The suggestions for development are to increase the connections to the working life, to diversify and add more depth to education. Number of projects executed in alliance with the working life should be increased.

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