
Kulttuurivaihtoa käsityön keinoin

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Kulttuurivaihtoa käsityön keinoin

Cultural Exchange through Arts and Crafts

The writers and photographers of this publication are mainly students of the Degree Programme in Crafts and Recreation, preparing for their forthcoming professional life as Bachelors of Culture and Arts. They gained memorable learning experiences in 2011, when a group of HAMK students and teachers had workshops and work placements in Tanzania and a group of Tanzanian teachers visited HAMK.

Cultural Exchange through Arts and Crafts was a cultural exchange and development project between HAMK R&D Centre for Wellbeing, GOIG Vocational Handicraft School and Tanzanian craft projects.

Cultural exchange might occasionally manifest itself as cultural clashes, though mostly it offers profound and in-depth learning through triggering the mindset of all partners.

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