
"MUN RYHMÄSSÄ ON MUKAVA TUNNELMA" : Tutkimus käsityö- ja kuvataidekoulu Aimon ryhmädynamiikasta

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"MUN RYHMÄSSÄ ON MUKAVA TUNNELMA" : Tutkimus käsityö- ja kuvataidekoulu Aimon ryhmädynamiikasta

This Bachelor’s thesis was commissioned by the visual arts school Aimo, which offers art education for children and young people in Hämeenlinna. The purpose of the thesis was to study how comfortable the pupils feel in their study groups and how the artistic hobby has helped them to get to know each other. The survey was carried out during the school year 2012-2013.

The thesis focused on group dynamics and was based on the experiences of the teachers and pupils. The purpose was to find out whether there was a need to develop the activities. The research material was collected from the teachers with a written questionnaire and from the pupils by using a questionnaire and an interview. The goals and curriculum of Aimo School serves as the basis for the objectives of the survey. The analysis of the research material was based on social psychological and pedagogic theories of group processes.

The results showed that the study groups in Aimo School operate appropriately and both teachers and pupils feel comfortable in Aimo. Few conflict situations and bullying have occurred in the school. Based on the results, it would be good to increase activities which promote the group spirit and enable the pupils to get to know each other. That would help to maintain a safe and supportive school climate in Aimo.

Aimo School seeks to assess and improve its performance by using the Virvatuli self-assessment system which is designed for arts schools. This survey can be integrated to the self-assessment of Aimo School.

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