
Ensiapukoulutuksen järjestäminen kehitysvammaisille : Perhekoti Jääskeläinen Oy

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Ensiapukoulutuksen järjestäminen kehitysvammaisille : Perhekoti Jääskeläinen Oy

First aid skills are very important for every human being. It is good to teach these skills also to people with intellectual disability, so that they are able to alert help and do the right things in an emergency situation. The purpose of this Bachelor´s thesis was to increase first aid skills of people with intellectual disability and to support them to control their own lives. The aim was to provide first aid training for people with intellectual disability.

The idea for the thesis came from Perhekoti Jääskeläinen Oy. It is a family-owned company that provides care- and housing services, as well as supported housing services, employment activities and also daily and recreational activities for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Various sources were used in this thesis, which were the internet, literature, and also the author´s knowledge. The first aid training lessons were held at the University of Applied Sciences school in February 2013 on two separate days. The participants were people with a mild intellectual disability and autistic residents of Perhekoti Jääskeläinen Oy. To support the first aid training the participants were given small first aid guides made by the author of the thesis and the participants got diplomas for taking part in the first aid training lessons.

Feedback was collected by a feedback form. The feedback from the training was good. The training was very valuable for the people with intellectual disability and it supports their skills to do the right things in an emergency situation and at the same time helps them to control their own lives.

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