
Haapamäen lämpölaitoksen kunnossapitosuunnitelma

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Haapamäen lämpölaitoksen kunnossapitosuunnitelma

The main idea of this Bachelor’s thesis project was to create a maintenance program for Keuruun Lämpövoima and its new heat power plant. The power plant started its operations in January 2013. It had no existing maintenance program before this thesis project.

The first step in this project was to get each machine listed and to create one worksheet containing information on each machine. To get this information all the machines and their type plates were photographed on site. Radiki Ltd commissioned the automation for the power plant and Radiki materials were also very helpful when conducting the positioning.

Creating a maintenance plan was started after all the required information was gathered and a hierarchy created. The biggest help for maintenance information gathering was found in the manuals of the machine manufacturers and their web pages. The maintenance program of Keuruun Lämpövoima Ltd Varissaari power plant which had been completed earlier helped a lot too. Also the maintenance staff of Keuruun Lämpövoima Ltd was very helpful.

The third part in this project was to create a spare part list. Into this list were documented of both the spare parts in the storage and which machines they were for.

The fourth stage in this work was to create positions for the Haapamäki conurbation district heating network and to plan a schematic presentation for the network.

The material was collected into an Excel spreadsheet program and after that sent to the ARROW Maint administrator at Keuruun Lämpövoima Ltd and the maintenance system there. Arrow Maint is a maintenance system which is used by Keuruun Lämpövoima Ltd.

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