
Julkishallinnon pienhankintojen digitalisaation kehittäminen

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Julkishallinnon pienhankintojen digitalisaation kehittäminen

City of Espoo in Finland mandated this thesis. City of Espoo is committed to a long-term strategy and vision called Espoo-story, which emphasizes digital, high quality municipal services for everyone in city of Espoo. This thesis goes through the process and guide for city of Espoo payment card, purchase invoice handling, digitalization and digital financial administration. Data used is extracted from various city of Espoo data sources, written theory on the related topics and empirical observation. The observations and areas of development are being viewed through lenses of digital financial administration. The focus of this functional thesis is to create a process and a payment card guide for upcoming card holders for the employees of Espoo as a part of payment card deployment project. Furthermore, the thesis covers digitalization as a phenomenon and links it to governmental organizations. Thesis introduces an alternative way for municipalities and governmental organizations to do procurement and payment card guide is published in city of Espoo intranet. Payment card process can be adopted to other organizations as well. The succession of payment card deployment process is out of scope from the thesis as the deployment is after this thesis has completed.

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