
Metsätaitoilu tutuksi: videomateriaali metsätaitoilun opetuksen tueksi

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Metsätaitoilu tutuksi: videomateriaali metsätaitoilun opetuksen tueksi

Forestry skills competitions are a sport practiced by those interested in forestry. Tasks in the competition measure the participants’ ability to estimate, for example, the height and volume of a tree stand. In Häme University of Applied Sciences at Evo Campus, forestry skills competitions form a part of the studies. Organizing a competition and participating in them is required in the curriculum. The basics of measuring and estimating tree stands is studied in depth during the first year of studies. In addition to these skills, solving the tasks of the forestry skills competitions requires reading the tables and calculating. The purpose of this thesis is to produce comprehensive video material to support the teaching of skills required in the competition. The video material provides the students with the opportunity to study the basics of the tasks beforehand, and thus be more prepared for the practical part of the teaching in the forest with the teacher. The material also provides support during the competitions at Evo Campus. The commissioner of this thesis is Häme University of Applied Sciences. Metsämiesten säätiö Foundation supported the making of this thesis with a grant. In addition to producing the video material, a survey was conducted for forestry students at Häme University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the survey was to find out the students’ opinions about forestry skills competition as a part of the teaching, and their own stand evaluating skills. The theory part of this thesis focuses on finding out what kind of educational video material is useful and analyzing the data from the survey. In the description of the practical part, the video, the production process is explained, and the results and the author’s own learning progress is evaluated. Based on the survey, 97 % of the respondents found the forestry skills competitions to be a useful part of their studies. The finished video material is a set of 16 separate videos. The videos teach the basics of stand evaluating and go through the tasks of forestry skills competition one by one. The videos are visible on the YouTube channel of the author of this thesis.

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