
Sairaanhoitajaopiskelija (140op) sairaanhoitajasijaisena : Perehdytysmateriaalin kehittämisehdotukset Erikoissairaanhoitoon

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Sairaanhoitajaopiskelija (140op) sairaanhoitajasijaisena : Perehdytysmateriaalin kehittämisehdotukset Erikoissairaanhoitoon

The starting point for the work was to update orientation material. Orientation material was intended to nursing substitute who work in central hospital. Material was done based on hospital’s needs and theory knowledge. This project’s orientation material was planned and execution was done according to the hospital’s needs. Material was recorded in computer and it can be printed in paper form.

The aim was to examine by studied theory nursing education, nurses know-how demand and how cooperation and introduction work when nurse work as a substitute. Nursing students study in university of applied sciences. Studies include liaison with working life and evidence based and practice based learning. Students can work as a substitute when student has done two thirds of the studies. After graduation nurse has multiple possibilities to work. Work was about priority of introduction and possibility of using mentoring. Well done introduction is worthwhile for the whole work community and organization.

The researches show that students get good readiness at school. Practice and work life teach the most. Cooperation between nurses hasn’t been studied a lot. According to existing studies nurses experience that cooperation is good, but in conflict situations cooperation is fair.

Mentoring is effective as a form of introduction. Effects have been noticed, but it’s not yet in regular use in Europe. Mentoring has been observed to connect between progress in career and commitment to work. In-formation was found using Google Scholar and electrical database, Nelli. As source material books and electric articles were used.

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