
Tehtäväsiirrot lääkäreiltä sairaanhoitajille - hoitajien kokemana : "On ne siirtyny joo lääkärit teki ne ennen"

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Tehtäväsiirrot lääkäreiltä sairaanhoitajille - hoitajien kokemana : "On ne siirtyny joo lääkärit teki ne ennen"

Meaning of this thesis is to find out using information by Welfare District of Forssa primary health care doctor to nurse transferred duties. Thesis aim was to find out what are the experiences at nurses and also find out what kind of education they feel to be needed and already have regarding these duty transfers. Aspiration at this thesis is to find out effect's and education needs to support nurse`s work, using information reclaimed by interviews and theoretic information that already exists.

This thesis is qualitative and material was gathered interviewing nurses at group. Focus group were advanced practice working nurses. Material was analyzed by inductive content analysis technic.

Research result tells that nurses think they're job was meaningful because job is mostly diverse, independent and cooperative with doctor`s. Nurse's liked their job and was motivated. They although wanted further education including duty transfers than they already have and also coming advanced role changes. Moreover nurses wished connected procedure between the different offices when doing clinic examination and interpretation of results. They understood importance of duty transfers but wanted that to be noticed at personal resources and hiring.

Everyone had distinct opinions about duty transfer`s and need of education. By these research results it`s obvious to see the main points that affect nurses daily grind. They express the apparent education needs which can be very useful in the future plans including the education and operating models at work.

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