
Lapsiperheiden arki : Lasten ja vanhempien mediankäyttö

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Lapsiperheiden arki : Lasten ja vanhempien mediankäyttö

The purpose of this theses was to find out what everyday life of families with children is like in the current information society and how parents promote children’s growth, development and learning in everyday life. The purpose was also to find out how families with children use media and how it affects their everyday lives.

The theoretical perspectives of this theses were children’s growth, development and learning and children and media. Children’s growth, development and learning are divided in cognitive development and learning, motoric development and movement and social and emotional development.

This thesis was conducted as a qualitative study. Theme interview was used as the research method. The obtained data was analyzed by dividing it in different themes.

As a research result was found out that everyday life of children with families is very regular and many different factors help making it so regular. Children’s plays and outdoor activities are a part of families’ everyday life. Media is used a lot in families’ everyday lives. It is used by parents and children. For most part the purpose of using media is entertainment.

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