
Suunniteltu sähköinen rytminsiirto : potilasohje Kanta-Hämeen keskussairaalaan

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Suunniteltu sähköinen rytminsiirto : potilasohje Kanta-Hämeen keskussairaalaan

Atrial fibrillation and flutter are the most common supraventricular arrhythmias in Finland. Electrical cardioversion is a usual treatment when the purpose is to get sinus rhythm back. Anticoagulation therapy is necessary for arrhythmia patients. Anticoagulation therapy prevents blood to clotting.

The subject of this Bachelor’s thesis was chosen together with the cooperation partner, Kanta-Hämeen keskussairaala, Kanta-Häme Cenrtal Hospital and its coronary care unit (CCU). This is a practice based thesis. New patient guide seemed to be necessary because CCU former guide was short and outdated.

The aim of this thesis was to develop patient guidance by making a new patient guide. The patient guide is also an invitation to planned electrical cardioversion. The thesis includes also a lifestyle guidance for arrhythmia patients.

The purpose of this assignment is to give clear and readable instructions to patients how to prepare for cardioversion. The purpose was also to give more information about the operation and the life after operation.

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