
Hakkuriyrittäjien käsitykset hakkeen laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja heidän mahdollisuuksistaan vaikuttaa niihin : Selvitys yrittäjien toimittaman hakkeen tehollisista lämpöarvoista saapumistilassa ja heidän käsityksistään laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä

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Hakkuriyrittäjien käsitykset hakkeen laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja heidän mahdollisuuksistaan vaikuttaa niihin : Selvitys yrittäjien toimittaman hakkeen tehollisista lämpöarvoista saapumistilassa ja heidän käsityksistään laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä

This thesis was commissioned by a forest energy company in Finland. The aim of the thesis was to orientate to wood chip batches that the company’s contractors have delivered to incinerators during 2014 and 2015. The averages of calorific values are joined together in a line graph, which is split to quarters by every company and energy timber species.

The target of the results of the thesis is to develop company’s internal activities because currently the calorific values are varying a lot within companies and seasons.

An essential part of the thesis are the interviews of the entrepreneurs that are made via phone. The aim of the questions was to figure out companies own understandings and views that which things influence most to the calorific values of wood chip. In addition to that, the interviews will find out what entrepreneurs think about the conditions of the wood to be chipped and the condition of the storage stacks in their areas. The questions are trying to find an answer to questions for example, how often coverage paper is being used in the entrepreneurs area and which kind of chippers they are using. The aim of the questions is to find out a reason why the calorific values are varying so much.

The results give a clear picture about the factors, which the enrepreneurs think that affect most to the calorific values. The results also give ideas of where the entrepreneurs could develop their own actions or whether at all.

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