
Etäjohtamisen vaikutus työhyvinvointiin

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Etäjohtamisen vaikutus työhyvinvointiin

The subject of this thesis was to find out what kind of effects remote leadership has on occupational well-being and how it works. The main goal was to make observations on the current situation. The secondary aim was to find out further proposals based on the theory and study to make suggestions on how the situation could be improved. To map out the situation a survey was made. The questionnaire was established in the way that the observations were made from the employees’ point of view.

The theory part deals with the concept of remote leadership and occupational well-being in general. There is more detailed information about leadership and working ability. The questionnaire was created by using the theory as a basis. In addition to the questionnaire, the research was carried out by using a theme interview of an employee who does teleworking. There is also a comment from a remote leader, who has run her staff successfully.

The results of the study were created based on the theory, the questionnaire and interviews. As a conclusion it can be said that there is some room for improvement in e-leadership. Still, it is possible to carry out the kind of remote leadership that considers the mental well-being of employees. The main challenge is to deal with mental well-being. The proposed solutions discuss superior-subordinate communication and nonverbal communication.

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