
Asiakasohjaus monikulttuurisessa hoitotyössä : Ohjausmateriaalit maahanmuuttajien ohjauksen tukena

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Asiakasohjaus monikulttuurisessa hoitotyössä : Ohjausmateriaalit maahanmuuttajien ohjauksen tukena

These days the patient education of immigrants is a part of the job description of nurses. The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis was to describe the means how nurse can guide immigrants with the positive results. The target of this thesis was to produce patient education material to Omapihlaja health center in Hervanta for immigrants. As an output came out the picture cards and the patient information leaflets to take with. The patient information leaflets in Finnish were translated also into Swedish and English. Topics were limited to include flu, sudden intestine infection and allergic rhinitis.

Multicultural nursing, especially in the nurse’s view, is discussed in this thesis. Nurse’s ethical skills, like justice, equality and respect are part of the work with immigrants. Cultural competence is needed in nurse’s work. With this cultural competence disparity will become noticed and accepted.

In this thesis the ways that are needed when a nurse is communicating with the immigrants are described. Verbal and non-verbal ways are significant. By using interpreter there are some characteristics to remember. Self-care is important for maintaining and promoting the health. Nurse’s role in motivating to self-care is underlined. Picture cards and the patient information leaflets to take with are helpful things in patient education

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