
Discovering Business Model Viability for the Open Data Smart Mobility Context and Ecosystem


Discovering Business Model Viability for the Open Data Smart Mobility Context and Ecosystem

The objective of this thesis study was to research how to discover business model viability related to creating applications and services in the Open Data Smart Mobility context. The examination was primarily from the local ecosystem perspective but also considered factors from the larger ecosystem and related concepts, e.g. interoperability, re-use and replication. The first part of the research, the theoretical part, researched the latest concepts and ideas behind Open Data, Smart Mobility, business models and related theory behind creating viable products and services: Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Lean Product Process, Agile, co-creation, and elements related to ecosystem design. The research was carried out in two areas. The general survey quantitative data was collected first by a questionnaire to determine what insights related to business aspects and practical usage could be drawn by asking data re-users, e.g. developers and Smart City representatives that are directly working in the area of Smart Mobility using Open Data. The quantitative data was complemented by two descriptive illustrative case studies in order to illustrate what cities can do to enable the ecosystem. The first case study illustrates how Design Thinking can be used to help Open Data re-users design for digital wayfinding and ensure consistent look and feel of applications even if they are produced on different platforms. The second case study examines ecosystem factors, i.e. how an existing solution is addressing the interoperability challenges by scaling solutions across cities with comparison and drawing insights from comparable solutions. Key findings from active ecosystem participants and Open Data re-users are that related methodologies, e.g. Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile are in use and they are working to some extent in practice. The case examples provide related best practice recommendations and examples for cities on enablers for developing their ecosystem. The conclusion is that business models related to product and services on top of Open Data can be profitable, but in order to enable that, there are considerable business and ecosystem factors to be considered.
