
Raitiotieradan anturointi radan kunnossapidon välineenä


Raitiotieradan anturointi radan kunnossapidon välineenä

The purpose of this thesis was to study the effects of tram track sensing on track maintenance and to find out its different possibilities to develop current maintenance working methods. The thesis was commissioned by HKL as part of the iTrack project. At the beginning clarifies the current state of tramway maintenance and how tramways are currently maintained are examined. After that, the goals of the iTrack project are detailed as well as the parties involved in the project will be described. Next, the work introduces the pilots carried out in Helsinki, Finland and Yutz, France as well as the various stages of the project, from design to installation work and the equipment required for these stages. At the end, the results and the benefits of the equipment as a tool for maintenance are examined. The starting material, I used the materials received from the commissioner, the City of Helsinki Transport Authority (HKL) and the Forum Virium Helsinki (FVH) and the French Institut de Soudure (ISA), which were involved in the iTrack project. I was also concretely present at the Helsinki sites to document and report on events. I also participated in the installation work. Based on the results of the project, it can be stated that the most important contribution to this client was to gain new experience and information from such an option for tramline condition monitoring. On the basis of this project, ultrasonic technology in this form was not yet ready for direct deployment on trams, but with the iTrack project, HKL took a step towards the future, where such technology will certainly be used for many different purposes.
