
Nuoren tuen tarvetta etsimässä : Itsearviointilomakkeen kehittäminen Järvenpään nuorisokeskuksen puutyöpajalle

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Nuoren tuen tarvetta etsimässä : Itsearviointilomakkeen kehittäminen Järvenpään nuorisokeskuksen puutyöpajalle

This thesis was made for the carpentry workshop of Järvenpää Youth Centre. The workshop is meant for unemployed youth aged 16-25 years, resident in the Järvenpää area.

The aim of this thesis was to develop a clear and functional self-assessment and feedback form for the youth at the carpentry workshop. The form is used to develop the young people’s life management with the help of self-reflection. Self-assessment is made in three parts: initial, midterm and final assessment. Evaluation clues for the numerical measurement scale were also developed in this thesis. Questions were divided into six main themes: focus and attention, reading and calculating, social interaction skills, life manage-ment, health, and studying and working skills.

Theory of this thesis was based on knowledge of developing questionnaires and forms. Qualitative research data was collected using thematic interviews. The informants were three facilitators who use self-assessment forms in their work with young people. Based on the collected data, questions in a function-al and clear self-assessment form are short, clear, and specified. A good self-assessment form proceeds chronologically and can be answered by ticking boxes. There were two different views concerning the outward appearance of the form; one respondent did not like the squared design of the form while another emphasized that a form should look official and formal. These results were used in order to modify the form to be more comprehensible in content and external appearance.

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