
Julkaisujärjestelmän suunnittelu ja toteutus : Case Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun kirjasto- ja tietopalvelut

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Julkaisujärjestelmän suunnittelu ja toteutus : Case Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun kirjasto- ja tietopalvelut

The purpose of this thesis commissioned by the Library and Information Services unit of HAMK University of Applied Sciences was to design and implement a publishing system, which would replace the error-prone manual activities and the slow data handling process.

Publications released by the HAMK University of Applied Sciences are stored in the publishing register of the Vanaicat collection database. The problem is that from 2012, all the information required by the Ministry of Education and Culture could not be inserted into the publishing register, without substantially complicating the primary basic operations of the database.

The purpose of the system implemented in this thesis was to enable the insertion of all required metadata and exporting data from the system to spreadsheets in a correct format. The implementation and design processes and the security threats of the PHP systems were examined in the thesis. In addition, databases and their normalization and the technologies used for implementation were introduced.

A constructive research method was used to develop a solution for the research problems identified in the thesis. The sources of information were discussions with the commissioner, Wiki section created for the thesis, PHP and MySQL-related publications. In addition, a lot of information was found in Internet and course materials.

The result of the thesis was a functional and secure frame with a database for the publishing system, which will with a little further development, improve the currently used data handling process. The creation of the spreadsheets and management of user accounts and system security functions were successfully implemented in the system.

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