
Vauvaikäisen kaltoinkohtelun ennaltaehkäisy ja varhainen puuttuminen neuvolatyössä: opetusmateriaali terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoille


Vauvaikäisen kaltoinkohtelun ennaltaehkäisy ja varhainen puuttuminen neuvolatyössä: opetusmateriaali terveydenhoitajaopiskelijoille

The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to make a practical and customer oriented teaching material about infant maltreatment for public health nursing and nursing teachers in Häme University of Applied Sciences. The teaching material was produced for School of Wellbeing in Häme University of Applied Sciences where the teaching material is supposed be used to teach students in social and health studies. The Bachelor’s thesis’ content was limited to topics which were infants’ maltreatment, the different forms and signs of infant maltreatment and recognizing these when working in maternity and child health clinics. Infants’ normal growth and development and the importance of early intervention were also included in the thesis. The aim was to increase understanding of the topic and through that, prevent infant maltreatment. Maternity and child health clinics have a great role in noticing, preventing and intervening with maltreatment especially when it comes to infant maltreatment. There are many forms of maltreatment but every one of them is harmful to infants’ healthy growth and development. Nowadays it is known that maltreatment experienced as infant will leave a mark and impact an individual’s life still in late adulthood. This is why this topic is crucial and increasing future healthcare professionals’ knowledge in the matter is even more crucial. Different studies and present knowledge have made it possible to define risk factors that may endanger infants to maltreatment. Because there still is not a definition clear enough for maltreatment and there are many different forms of maltreatment and they appear in different ways, it brings its own challenges to healthcare professionals and early intervention. This topic is delicate and that is why health care professionals need to know how to and have the courage to bring up even difficult subjects with their clients to prevent and interfere with maltreatment.
