
Ohjelmistorobotiikka ja sen vaikutukset työhyvinvointiin


Ohjelmistorobotiikka ja sen vaikutukset työhyvinvointiin

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the significance of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) on employee well-being and its possible impact on the meaningfulness of tasks through task automation. The study carried out RPA development work for the needs of the client company, Siili Solutions Oyj, as well as a study comparing employee well-being before and after the implementation of automation. My thesis investigates whether RPA can provide companies with a competitive advantage by improving employee well-being. The information base of the thesis consists of defining RPA and well-being at work and presenting previous studies on the effects on well-being at work. In the theoretical part, my thesis also describes the design and development of RPA. The thesis has two parts, in the functional part, a software robot is programmed for the internal needs of the client company. In the research part, surveys were used as a research method, and they were used to compare the well-being of staff before and after the introduction of automation. The results of the study showed that the scores related to well-being at work were at a good level in both surveys, but a slight decrease was observed after automation. In the future, it might be beneficial to have a longer-term follow-up to get more generalizable results. A positive aspect is also that 75% of the respondents felt their work was more meaningful after automation. The experiences gained from inquiries can be directly utilized within the company. The software robot created in the functional part is business-critical and is of direct benefit to the client company.

Keywords Robotic process automation, robot, employee well-being Pages 68 pages and appendices 11 pages
