
Koulupihojen kasvillisuus ja muut luontoelementit oppimisen, liikkumisen ja luontokosketuksen tukena: suositukset kasvillisuuden käyttöön alakoulujen pihoilla


Koulupihojen kasvillisuus ja muut luontoelementit oppimisen, liikkumisen ja luontokosketuksen tukena: suositukset kasvillisuuden käyttöön alakoulujen pihoilla

This practice-based thesis aimed to examine what kind of role vegetation and other natural elements in school playgrounds play in children's playing and learning, and how children's contact with nature can be increased through the use of vegetation in the playgrounds. The aim of the thesis was also to gain insight into the sustainability of vegetation in a learning environment. The research methods used were thematic interviews, observation of children's play and literature review. The author of this thesis is a former child psychiatrist. As a doctor, the author is interested in the health benefits of nature, and the role of natural elements in learning environments in supporting children’s mental and physical health.

This research suggested that vegetation and other natural elements can support children's learning, play and movement. In particular, the wooded area in the school playground contributes to children of different ages by allowing them to being in contact with nature and providing them an environment for play and movement. Especially the youngest pupils seem to benefit from the loose natural elements in the yard, such as branches, wood chips, conifers, cones and leaves, which support their social and imaginative play. Based on the results of the research, the thesis proposes a recommendation for the use of vegetation in elementary schoolyards in southern Finland. The aim of the recommendation is to promote the use of vegetation and other natural elements to support children's play, learning, movement, and contact with nature.

The thesis was commissioned by Nomaji Landscape Architects, a landscape architect agency in Helsinki, specializing in ecological design. They also have a solid experience in the field of landscape design for learning environments.
