
Alle kouluikäisen obstruktiivista bronkiittia sairastavan lapsen kotihoito: sähköinen opas vanhemmille


Alle kouluikäisen obstruktiivista bronkiittia sairastavan lapsen kotihoito: sähköinen opas vanhemmille

The Bachelor’s thesis was implemented as a practice-based thesis, and it deals with the obstructive bronchitis in children under school age. The purpose of the thesis was to give parents more information about the home care of a child who is under school age and suffering from obstructive bronchitis. A digital guidebook is the result of the thesis process. The thesis first discusses a child’s growth and development, and this discussion is used to support the examination of obstructive bronchitis. The research questions of the thesis are: when to seek medical attention for a child with obstructive bronchitis, how to treat obstructive bronchitis in children at home, and what makes a good digital guide. The thesis was commissioned by Child Health Clinic Pikkujätti. The aim was to produce as practical guidebook as possible, so that the guidebook would be actively used. The guidebook deals with issues that parents should observe while treating a child with obstructive bronchitis at home. The text discusses what the typical symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are, and when to seek medical attention if care at home is not sufficient. The guidebook discusses the practicalities of taking care of a child with obstructive bronchitis at home, as well as highlights the role of observation while being at home with a sick child. The information in the guidebook is based on researched information. The national and international sources used in the background discussion were carefully selected. The purpose of the guidebook was to improve the parents’ ability to care for a sick child, and to reduce concerns related to treating a child with obstructive bronchitis at home. The sickness of a child often raises concern in the parents. The guidebook’s purpose is to relieve the concerns related to the symptoms that are considered normal in obstructive bronchitis. The guidebook gives advice to the parents on how to relieve the child’s symptoms. The guidebook was created according to the commissioner’s predefined format, and it follows the practices of a good guidebook. The thesis describes what the symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in children and highlights the symptoms that require medical attention. It is the parents’ responsibility that the child is appropriately cared for at the right time.
