
Nuorten syrjäytymiseen johtavat tekijät ja ennaltaehkäisy : Kouluterveydenhoitajien näkemykset ja kehitysehdotukset

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Nuorten syrjäytymiseen johtavat tekijät ja ennaltaehkäisy : Kouluterveydenhoitajien näkemykset ja kehitysehdotukset

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the ways to recognize young people who are danger to social exclusion and found out existing resources how to prevent young people to social exclusion. In addition, the purpose of this thesis was to gather material to theoretical part of thesis which could help group of student welfare and specially public health school nurses. The accuracy of theoretical part was tried to assemble so that the staff of school or someone who is interested of the topic is able to implement against preventing action of young social exclusion. The principal of the project was School and Student Welfare of one city.

The research component of the thesis was made by qualitative research by interviewing six public health nurses of secondary schools. The interview material was transcribed and processed with data-driven analyses. In the Thesis research and implementation section are introduced specified tasks of the research, the research method chosen of, implementation plan, data collection, the research performing and data analyzing of the research component. In the end of the Thesis is introduced the research results and the conclusions. In The theoretical part of the Thesis was defined the concept of social exclusion and reviewed the social exclusion factors and themes which can act as a preventive means of social exclusion.

The results of the thesis are that public health nurses of the secondary schools have good abilities to recognize the risk of social exclusion of the young. However, the whole school community has a major role of preventive work of social exclusion of the young. For this act should direct more resources in school welfare and the importance of multi professional work should rise up more. There are plenty of interview forms used in the health controls but for example targeted information flyers could use more. In the act of against social exclusion should focus more on families supporting and parenthood strengthening. Also group-oriented actions as a helping tool should benefit more.

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